Teaching Mental Health in the District(Trainer Guide)

Emilio Ovuga
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The health Policy and Health Sector Strategic Plan of the Minitry of Health created the Uganda National Minimum Health Care Package(UNMHCP) as a conerstone in the delivery of Health Care in Uganda. T...
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The health Policy and Health Sector Strategic Plan of the Minitry of Health created the Uganda National Minimum Health Care Package(UNMHCP) as a conerstone in the delivery of Health Care in Uganda. The UNMHCP has list of essential services which government is committed to delivering, with mental health being one of the priority areas.

As a result, the Department of Psychiatry, in collaboration with the Ministry of Health and with financial support from I@MAK COM, designed a two-week in-service training course for the health care workers, especially those in rural health facilities

About Author

Dr Emilio Ovuga is Professor of Psychiatry at Makerere University. He studied medicine at Makerere University (1971–1976) and psychiatry (1978–1981). He attained his PhD from Karolinska Institute and Makerere University in 2005. Dr Ovuga has a vast experience on psychological and social effects of river blindness, suicide and HIV/AIDS, and school mental health in Uganda. He has published on a wide range of medical and psychiatric topics.
