Category: Poetry

Dance of the Intellect

By:Alice J.K. Tumwesigye

Release date:2011


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Dance of the Intellect collects poems written over a long period. They are a materialisation of the many stories, comments, experiences and observations that inspire lives in Africa. With a unique power of imagination, just like a village seer, in a simple and poignant rendition, Alice J.K. Tumwesigye invites her audience to see her world view. Alice J.K. Tumwesigye is the Head of Department Languages and Literature at Bishop Stuart University Mbarara, in western Uganda. She says writing poetry is as close to her heart as is the nose to the mouth. She has written extensively as a critic of the Romanticist writers, including writing on one of Uganda's best, Henry Barlow. -The collection represents an artistic journey of self discovery on which the reader accompanies the poet- Professor Laban Erapu, author, Shared Lives. -Dance of the Intellect confirms the assertion that poetry is the opium of literal intelligentsia. The provocation of the poems while maintaining humility and innocence is a welcome genre- Professor Nicci Nilson, Newcastle University, UK.

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