Showing titles inAnthropology & History

A Concise History of South Sudan-New and Revised Edition

By:Anders Breidlid

Release date:2014


Regular Price: UGX 20,000

Regular Price: UGX 65,000

A History of Ankole

By:H. F. Morris

This book, which takes the history of the Banyankore from earliest legendary times to the year 1914, is the fi rst history of this region to be published in English. The material, much of which was originally published in various volumes of Uganda Journal, has been brought together in one volume for the fi rst time. <p> <b>About Author</b> <p> Dr H. F. Morris served for three years as a District Offi cer in Ankole, and studied the history and the language of the Banyankore. Morris is one of very few British officers who became thoroughly fluent in Runyankore. His profound knowledge of the language made his work in this field easier and enabled him to speak freely and to understand all verbal accounts of past events and history of the period up to 1890, which were given to him by elderly Banyankore who were proud to remember them and to pass them on.

Release date:2007


Regular Price: UGX 8,000

A History of the Kingdom of Ankole in Western Uganda to 1896

By:Samwiri Rubaraza Karugire

The traditional kingdom of Nkore, came into existence around the beginning of the sixteenth century and this book “A History of the Kingdom of Nkore in Western Uganda to 1896” is an attempt by Samwiri R. Karugire, to trace this history on the basis of accounts handed down until the coming of the Europeans during the last decade of the nineteenth century. The reader will discover that the study is not exclusively historical or political. Religious beliefs and practices, clan organization and other non-political aspects of Nkore society are examined in varying degrees. <p> <b>About Author</b> <p> Samwiri Rubaraza Karugire was born in Mbarara District. He has a PhD in African History obtained from the University of London. He was a lecturer and an academic Warden at Makerere University as an Executive Director of Makerere Institute of Social Research. And from the beginning of 1987, he served as Director General of the Customs & Excise Department of the Ministry of Finance. He died in 1992.

Release date:


Regular Price: UGX 10,000

A Picture History of Uganda


A Picture is worth a thousand words. It is this adage that constitutes the genesis of this picture history of Uganda. This book is a rich compilation of images portraying Uganda's various epochs. On one hand, it depicts a number of the activities, sites, institutions and personalities that have had an impact, in one way or the other, on the course of events in Uganda. On the other hand, it portrays ordinary people getting on with their lives, some egaged in activities that are no longer practiced or that are done quite differently today. This picture book will enable the reader to gain an important insight into Uganda's distant and recent past.

Release date:2008


Regular Price: UGX 60,000

A Political History of Uganda

By:Samwiri Rubaraza Karugire

This book is the first comprehensive account of the history of Uganda by a Ugandan scholar. It traces the origins of the country's history from as far back as the sixteenth century when it was first settled by the present inhabitants. From these half-mythical beginnings, supported by folklore, he then goes on to make an intensive analysis of the critical period of the colonization of the country. A major proportion of the book deals with an analysis of the religiopolitical polarization which started the, a knowledge of which is crucial to an understanding of Uganda's current political setup. <p> <b>About Author</b> <p> Samwiri Rubaraza Karugire was born in Mbarara District. He has a PhD in African History obtained from the University of London. He was a lecturer and an academic Warden at Makerere University as an Executive Director of Makerere Institute of Social Research. And from the beginning of 1987, he served as Director General of the Customs & Excise Department of the Ministry of Finance. He died in 1992.

Release date:2010


Regular Price: UGX 18,000

A State of Blood: The Inside Story of Idi Amin

By:Henry Kyemba

Release date:1997


Regular Price: UGX 25,000

A Thousand Years of Bunyoro-Kitara Kingdom: The People and its People and the Rulers

By:Kihumuro Apuuli

Release date:1994


Regular Price: UGX 8,000

Aboke Girls: Children Abducted in Northern Uganda

By:Els De Temmerman

Aboke Girls is a true story. On 9 October 1996, a hundred and thirty nine girls, between twelve and fteen-years-old, were abducted from St Mary’s College, Aboke, one of the better schools in northern Uganda. In an act of extraordinary courage, Sister Rachele, the Italian deputy headmistress, followed the abductors. Her journey took her to the Lord’s Resistance Army, one of the most cruel guerrilla armies in the world, led by the religious fanatic Joseph Kony. She secured the release of the majority of her girls, but she had to leave behind thirty. What happened to the thirty remaining girls, and what happened to thousands of other children who disappeared from their homes and schools in northern Uganda since the emergence of the Lord’s Resistance Army? What is the matter with Joseph Kony? Why is he killing his own people? And what has the Bible to do with all this? In this book, Journalist Els De Temmerman reconstructs the journey of two Aboke girls who managed to escape from the Lord’s Resistance Army. She also tells the story of one of the abductors, a fourteen-year-old boy who was part of Kony’s elite troops. And she describes Sister Rachele’s tireless search for her missing pupils. This was a search that brought her to the highest political and religious authorities, from Pope John Paul II and Kofi Annan to the presidents of Uganda, Sudan and South Africa. Aboke Girls is a sharp protest against the use of children in armed conflict. It is a reality which, at the beginning of this new millennium, is more topical

Release date:2001, 2009


Regular Price: UGX 15,000

Africa's Urban Past

By:David M. Anderson

Release date:


Regular Price: UGX 30,000

Antecedents to Modern Rwanda: The Nyiginya Kingdom

By:Jan Vansina

To understand the Genocide and other dramatic events of Rwanda's recent past, one must understand the history of the earlier realm. This book is an investigation of Rwanda's precolonial past particularly the Nyinginya dynasty in the 18th & 19th centuries and a demystifi cation of the colonial historiography of Rwanda. -œFor Historians-¦ the choice is clear. Only at their peril will they ignore Vansina's seminal contribution to our understanding of one of the most complex and controversial chapters in the history of the continent. There are a few books about Africa today I would qualify as a magnifi cent achievement. This is one of them-. - Rene Lemarchand, African Aff airs

Release date:2005


Regular Price: UGX 60,000

Battles of the Ugandan Resistance: A Tradition of Maneuver.

By:Muhoozi Kainerugaba

Battles of the Ugandan Resistance: A Tradition of Maneuver offers an African viewpoint on an important epoch in the military history of Uganda. The book investigates the technical aspects of a number of key battles of the Ugandan resistance war, but also presents a brief but penetrating examination of the history of warfare on the African continent. By means of detailed analysis of key battles of the resistance war the author develops a powerful case for the adoption of a 'maneuverist' approach to military operations. The book examines the four phases of the Ugandan resistance war. These are: the clandestine phase; guerrilla warfare phase; mobile warfare phase and conventional warfare phase. It focuses on a number of key battles within each of these phases and analyses them. The book ends with a lofty examination of the strategy of the resistance war and with recommendations of a doctrinal nature. Muhoozi Kainerugaba joins other authentic African voices tackling the military history of the continent. -This book tells a tale that, in many ways, has never been told before. It is both a history of the past as well as a framework of lessons drawn from the past for the present and for the future. A well written book, which shows evidence of wide reading and primary research. <p> <b><p>Phares Mutibwa <p>Uganda Since Independence: A Story of Unfulfilled Hopes <p>About Author</b> <p> Phares Mukasa Mutibwa was born in July 1936 in Bulemezi county, now part of Luwero district in the former kingdom of Buganda, and educated at Ndejje Secondary School, King’s College Budo and Makerere University. He has a PhD from the University of Sussex, England. He is currently a member of the Uganda Constitutional Commission. Besides articles in learned journals, Professor Mutibwa is the author of The Malagasy and the Europeans (Longman, 1974) and African Heritage and the New Africa (East African Literature Bureau, 1977), and co-author of A Century of Christianity in Uganda, 1877—1977(Uzima Press, 1978). Since 1975 he has been a member of UNESCO’s International Scientifi c Committee for its General History of Africa, contributing a chapter on Madagascar to Volume VI.

Release date:2010


Regular Price: UGX 20,000

Becoming Somaliland (Co-published with Currey)

By:Mark Broadbury

Release date:2008


Regular Price: UGX 20,000

Beyond ethnicity: A new regional history of Buganda 900-1930

By:David L. Schoenbrun

Release date:2024


Regular Price: UGX 30,000

Changing Uganda

By:Holger Bernt Hansen

Release date:1991


Regular Price: UGX 15,000

Conflict and Collaboration in The Kingdoms of Western Uganda

By:Edward I. Steinhart


Release date:1999


Regular Price: UGX 15,000

Contemplating the Fipa Iron working

By:Bertram Mapunda

Post-colonial Africa has witnessed growing attempts by indigenous African scholars, especially in the social sciences and humanities, to deconstruct and reconstruct the information about Africa presented earlier on through colonial paradigms. Contemplating the Fipa Iron working is one of those efforts. Through an interdisciplinary approach (combining archaeological, oral, historical, and historical-linguistic information) the author highlights areas that have been misrepresented in the history of the Fipa people and offers alternative versions of the same. The author also shows how iron metallurgy can move beyond technology and abundantly inform such areas as ethnicity, peopling, settlement, healing, symbolism, trade, etc. Written in an informed style and filled with concrete examples from the author's own field work, this book makes the subject of archaeometallurgy practical and attractive to both professionals and non-professionals. <p> <b>About the Author</b> <p> Bertram Mapunda is Associate Professor of Archaeology and History at the University of Dar-es-Salaam where he has been working since 1989 after completing his bachelor's degree in archaeology there. He did his MA and PhD studies at the University of Florida, USA, from 1989-1995 with a focus on archeometallurgy, a field he has continued researching in and writing about since then. Contemplating the Fipa Ironworking is his second book in this subject. The first, which is published in Kiswahili, is entitled Ufundichuma Asilia Afrika Mashariki: Chimbuko, Kukua na Kukoma Kwake [Indigenous Ironworking in East Africa: Origins, Development, and Termination] (2002). He has published several articles and book chapters in archaeometallurgy, history and anthropology.

Release date:2010


Regular Price: UGX 18,000

Controlling Anger: The Anthropology of Gisu Violence

By:Suzette Heald

Release date:1998


Regular Price: UGX 30,000

Crisis & Decline in Bunyoro: Population & Environment in Western Uganda 1860 - 1955

By:Shane Doyle

This book addresses a number of issues of comtemporary relevance. It considers the conflict between traditional African rulers and the modern state, the relationship between demography and environmental change, the history of STDs, and the impact of cash cropping on rural inequality. <p> <b>About Author</b> <p> Shane Doyle is Lecturer in History at the University of Leeds.

Release date:2006


Regular Price: UGX 30,000

East African Doctors: A History of the Modern Profession

By:John Iliffe

Release date:2002


Regular Price: UGX 12,000

Ecoculture of the Langi: The Plains Nilotes of Central-Northern Uganda

By:James Shergold Epila-Otara

Ecoculture of the Langi is a work that examines the relationship between ecology and culture; in particular, how ecology has shaped the culture of the Langi. Using a new approach, the author illustrates how various aspects of Lango life depend on and have been shaped by the ecology of Lango. From language to education, health, construction, marriage, gender roles, cooking, economic activities, beliefs, superstitions and myths - no facet of Lango life is left untouched in this engaging and painstakingly researched book. Besides creating a formidable argument for the preservation of the ecology of Lango, currently under serious threat from human activity, the author has succeeded in creating a treasure trove of information on the rich Lango culture, which the present and future generations will find invaluable.

Release date:2013


Regular Price: UGX 25,000

Ethnomusicology in East Africa: Perspectives from Uganda and Beyond


this book is a first in this part of the world.It brings together thinkers and artists from Uganda, East Africa and further afield to discuss an area of vital importance to Africans as a people. The book presents selected papers selected papers from the first International Symposium on Ethnomusicology in Uganda, held at Makerere University in Kampala on 23-25 November 2009

Release date:2012


Regular Price: UGX 25,000

Events and Faces.

By:Fountain Editorial Team

Release date:


Regular Price: UGX 75,000

Governing Uganda: British Colonial Rule and its Legacy

By:Gardner Thompson


Release date:2003


Regular Price: UGX 18,000

History and Culture of the Kingdom of Ankole

By:G. N. P  Kirindi

This book focuses on Nkore's cultural practices and explains the daily life at the omugabe's court and rustic areas. The writer concentrates on the reigns of two Abagabe; Suleiman Kahaya (1899-1944) and Sir Charles Gasyonga (1945-1967). This book is meant to introduce the reading public to the history and cultural complexity of the kingdom of Nkore which later expanded and was renamed Ankole at the beginning of the twentieth century. <p> <b>About Author</b> <p> George Nathan Patrick Kirindi was born on 12 August 1918 to Yonasani Mpiira. He grew up in Ibanda where his father was the sub-county chief. He studied at Mbarara High School and King’s College Budo after which he worked as Secretary to Ankole’s King’s Council. Later he doubled as a secretary and translator in the District Commissioner’s office. He was given the post of county judge which he held in different counties of Ankole. In 1961 he did a judicial course and attained a diploma. He then went on to work in the central court at Kamukuzi in Mbarara. He is the author of Ebyevugo n’ Ebyeshongoro bya Nkore.

Release date:2008


Regular Price: UGX 10,000

Independent Uganda: The first 50 years-An Eventful Journey 1962-2012


The book takes the reader through the five decades, highlighting both the high points and the low moments of a shared journey as a nation. The textual information is livened up with photographs, some never seen before. It is structured into seven sections, namely: Then and Now; Power, Politics and Personalities; Economy, Infrastructure and Development; Social Services; Religion; Society; and Sports. Each section opens with an overview before focusing on some of the key events that shaped Uganda’s history. In addition, there is a running band of milestones with a rich and elaborate 50-year timeline. Available in HB and PB

Release date:2012


Regular Price: UGX 50,000

Inside West Nile

By:Mark Leopold

Edited by Wendy James & N.J. Allen<br> This book contributes to the current debates in political anthropology on issues such as border areas, the local state, and the nature of the 'post-colonial'. It will be of interest to historians, political scientists, literary and cultural critics, and others working on questions of violence, narrative and memory.

Release date:2005


Regular Price: UGX 22,000

Interpreting Uganda's Heritage

By:Christine Dranzoa

This manual is designed to bridge this gap, through raising the level of awareness and addressing the need for professionalism in tour guiding.

Release date:2010


Regular Price: UGX 7,000

Karamoja conflict study: A Report to Oxfarm GB in Uganda

By:Michael Ochieng Odhiambo

Release date:2003


Regular Price: UGX 10,000

Kigezi and its People

By:Paul Ngologoza


Release date:1998


Regular Price: UGX 9,000

Kingdoms of the Great Lakes Region: Ethnography of African Social Formations

By:Archie Mafeje


Release date:1998


Regular Price: UGX 12,500

Looking Back: Personal Memories of Uganda's Troubled Past 1970-2000

By:Patrica Howard

Looking Back is a collection of experiences narrated by those who either underwent or witnessed them. Those who believe that the authentic voice of those who have direct experience to report should be heard will be moved by these stories. Looking Back documents some harrowing experiences, but in a sensitive and engaging way. The authors are tough and resourceful and their stories contribute to our understanding of the dangers of conflict beyond its physical impact.

Release date:2008


Regular Price: UGX 11,000

Looking Back: The tragedies of Ugandan women and children 1970-2000

By:Patrica Howard

Release date:2008


Regular Price: UGX 11,000

Not All the Kings Men: Inequality as a Political Instrument in Ankole, Uganda

By:Martin R Doornbos

This book presents the modern political history of the kingdom of Ankole in Western Uganda, essentially the period from 1901 to 1971. Based on extensive fieldwork and analysis of original sources, the book offers a detailed exploration of the development of ethnic conflict and of erosion of kingship as a sociopolitical order and the inequalities this implied were fundamentally congruent with the premises and format of the colonial state.

Release date:2010


Regular Price: UGX 10,000

Not Yet Sunset: A story of Survival and Perseverance in LRA Captivity

By:Grace Acan

Release date:2017


Regular Price: UGX 20,000

Origins of Kingship: Traditions and Symbolism in the Great Lakes

By:Birgitta Farelius

Origins of Kingship: Traditions and Symbolism in the Great Lakes Region of Africa Much has hitherto been written about the people in the Great Lakes region, all of which is important when seen from various perspectives. This book has made use of earlier recorded observations. However, no history of a people or their lifestyle and thought patterns is static, which means that there will always be room for further investigation at all levels. The text presented in this study seeks to be a further contribution to a fuller and more meaningful understanding of the cultural history of the Great Lakes region from the inside. The author's Karagwe grass-roots experience has opened up a rich cultural network, exposing aspects of regional history that cut across local boundaries. Birgitta Farelius is a teacher, missionary and human rights activist, who has lived and done research in East Africa for nearly two decades. Over the many years she has spent in Uganda and Tanzania, particularly in Karagwe, in the northwestern part of the country, she has gained a detailed insight into the lifestyle of the people. Contents: Glossary; Introduction; The interlacustrine regionenvironment and societies; Bacwezi; Languages and the history of languages in the Great Lakes region; Environment, clans and beliefs; God and spirits, clans and kings in beliefs and traditions; The role of the king; Cattle, kings and aristocracy; Diviners, kings and Bacwezi spirits; Conclusion; Appendix; References; Bibliography; Index. ISBN 978-9970-25-148-3

Release date:2013


Regular Price: UGX 25,000

Passion for Africa: Missionary and Imperial Papers on the Evangelisation of Uganda and Sudan,1848 - 1923

By:Mario Cisternino

This book analyses the fi rst encounter between the Nile populations on one side and the fi rst missionary colonisers on the other. The author aims at giving dignity to heroic deeds but also at uncovering vested interests and historical lies.

Release date:2005


Regular Price: UGX 25,000

Potent Brews: A Social History of Alcohol in East Africa 1850-1999

By:Justin Willis

Release date:2002


Regular Price: UGX 22,000

Resilience of a Nation: A History of the Military in Rwanda

By:Frank K. Rusagara

It is the aim of this book to examine the role that the military has played throughout the history of Rwanda to date. We look at the different phases the Rwandan military has undergone, from the traditional, the colonial and immediate post-independence military to the present. It is the premise of this book that, not precluding any political expediencies, it is the military that played the most central social political role in what became of Rwanda during its heydays when no slave trader could tread its soil, to its lowest moment during the 1994 genocide. It is also the military that led the way in re-uniting a shattered people and the country to becoming a democratic state of reputable international standing.

Release date:


Regular Price: UGX 31,950

Roots of Instability in Uganda

By:Samwiri Rubaraza Karugire

Release date:1996


Regular Price: UGX 10,000

Rural Health Providers in South-West Uganda

By:Mohammad Kisubi


Release date:1999


Regular Price: UGX 9,000

Regular Price: UGX 40,000

Rwenzori: Histories and Cultures of an African Mountain 1906-2006

By:Cecilia Pennacini

Release date:2007


Regular Price: UGX 15,000

Slavery in the Great Lakes Region of East Africa

By:Henri Medard

Release date:2007


Regular Price: UGX 55,000

Spirit Possession, Modernity & Power in Africa

By:Heike Behrend

Release date:2000


Regular Price: UGX 58,000

Tall Grass: Stories of Suffering and Peace in Northern Uganda

By:Carlos Rodriguez Soto

"The Story of Uganda's Northern war has been extensively covered by the press in recent years, and has been covered in a number of books. But this story is radically different in that it is full of personal anecdotes about the author's face-face encounters with nearly all the major actors in the war...The story is told with ease and lucidity and makes compelling reading." - Prof. Arthur Gakwandi, Makerere University

Release date:2009


Regular Price: UGX 20,000

Teso War 1986-1992: Causes and Consequences


This is an account of the civil war that ravaged the Teso sub region for the better part of a decade. This account is by someone who accepted the Ugandan president's request that he suspend his professional duties and take up the daunting challenge of heading a team set up to bring peace to a region that had just become impoverished and humiliated. The team was named the Teso Peace Commission. Teso War is an important book that everyone who is interested in the causes of rebellion and war, their consequences, and possible solutions to them should have. <p> <b>About Author</b> <p> Justin Epelu-Opio is a professor of Veterinary Anatomy in the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Makerere University and was a long-serving Deputy Vice-Chancellor of the same institution. He was the pioneer Chairman of the Presidential Commission for Teso. He comes from Soroti District.

Release date:2009


Regular Price: UGX 12,000

Regular Price: UGX 30,000

The Ankole Kingship Controversy: Regalia Galore Revisited

By:Martin R Doornbos

Release date:2001


Regular Price: UGX 10,000

The Buganda Factor in Uganda Politics

By:Phares M. Mutibwa

Uganda is Uganda because the first foreigners to visit Buganda pronounced the kingdom as 'Uganda' rather than Buganda. That was the first Buganda factor in Uganda politics. Because the imperial power made Buganda the central point of their administration in the Uganda protectorate, everything political, economic and educational - revolved around Buganda which dominated the affairs of Uganda. This was the case until Uganda's independence in 1962 when contrary to all expectations, Buganda lost its leadership of Uganda to political forces dominated by non-baganda. This book highlights the extent to which Buganda has been a factor in the politics of Uganda and how it remains the key region for the development and stability of Uganda. <p> <b>About Author</b> <p> Phares Mukasa Mutibwa was born in July 1936 in Bulemezi county, now part of Luwero district in the former kingdom of Buganda, and educated at Ndejje Secondary School, King’s College Budo and Makerere University. He has a PhD from the University of Sussex, England. He is currently a member of the Uganda Constitutional Commission. Besides articles in learned journals, Professor Mutibwa is the author of The Malagasy and the Europeans (Longman, 1974) and African Heritage and the New Africa (East African Literature Bureau, 1977), and co-author of A Century of Christianity in Uganda, 1877—1977(Uzima Press, 1978). Since 1975 he has been a member of UNESCO’s International Scientific Committee for its General History of Africa, contributing a chapter on Madagascar to Volume VI.

Release date:2008


Regular Price: UGX 15,000

The East African Revival: History and Legacies

By:Kevin Ward

The East African Revival emerged as an important movement within African Protestantism in the late 1920's and 1930's. It continues profoundly to influence the churches of East Africa to date. The revival has two fold origins. The first relates to the dissatisfaction with the spiritual state of the native Anglican <a href='' target='_blank'>Church of Uganda</a>. The other factor was the Rwanda Mission, which operated as an autonomous mission of the Church Missionary Society in South-Western Uganda. The series of essays in this book spring out of a conference organized by Henry Martyn Center in 2008 to mark the establishment of the <a href='' target="_blank">Joe Church Archive</a>. They represent something of vigor and diversity of scholarship on the East African Revival, both in unpacking the Archive record which is Dr. Joe Church's legacy, and in exploring these other fascinating themes. Some of the essays illustrate how the genre of confession and testimony operates to establish and affirm what it means to be a member of the fellowship. <p> <b><p>Kevin Ward & Emma Wild-Wood <p>The East African Revival: History and Legacies <p>About Authors</b> <p> Kevin Ward taught in Uganda for a number of years and is now Senior Lecturer in African Religious Studies in the Theology and Religious Studies department, Leeds University. He is a widely published author. Emma Wild-Wood taught in DR Congo and Uganda and is currently Director of the Henry Martyn Centre, teaching in the Cambridge Theological Federation and the University of Cambridge. She is commissioning editor of the International Study Guide series for SPCK. <p> ‘This is a remarkable and entertaining book, full of original materials. It is also a rare book partly or mainly because of the feel, or perhaps more accurately the smell, that the story it tells has all the hallmarks of both the truth and conviction. It is a story which everyone – Christian, Muslim or animist – should enjoy reading.’ – Prof. Phares M. Mutibwa

Release date:2010


Regular Price: UGX 20,000

The Kings of Buganda: The Roots of a 700-year Old Kingdom


The Kings of Buganda: At the turn of the 19th Century as colonialists arrived in East Africa to establish control, Buganda, located in the central Uganda, was one of the powerful monarchies in the region. Its king (Kabaka) ruled over vast territory around Lake Victoria. This book traces the origins of the over 700-year-old Buganda kingdom, and highlights the ceremony and pomp that surrounds its rulers. The book makes good use of photography, graphics and maps to tell the stories in a manner that readers will find easy and captivating. Visitors and residents will find this book enriching as it features important and interesting aspects of the Kingdom that may never have been written about in such a manner.

Release date:2011


Regular Price: UGX 10,000

The Neolithic of the Middle Nile Region

By:Azhari Mustafa Sadig

This book is a vital contribution on the growing literature on the River Nile. The book handles issues like land in the Nile Basin region and its resources, gives a chronological and cultural development dimension of the Neolithic, including subsistence and settlement patterns,material culture and burial customs. The archaeological investigation into Neolithic societies casts new light on how people interacted with, and depend upon the river Nile. By acquiring ever more knowledge about these past societies, we gain an understanding of human development in the area over last thousands of years.

Release date:2010


Regular Price: UGX 20,000

The Roots of Ethnicity: The Origins of the Acholi of Uganda

By:Ronald R . Atkinson

In this book the argues that although the colonial rule and its aftermath have played a particular role in shaping the particular manifestation of ethnicity in Africa, many social-historical developments crucial to current expression of ethnicity in Africa can be traced to a past long before the colonial period. This book is relevant to students and scholars of anthropology, history and African studies and other readers who are keen to understand the complexion of ethnicity and politics of identity in contemporary Africa.

Release date:2010


Regular Price: UGX 18,000

The Social Origins of Violence in Uganda

By:A.B.K. Kasozi

Release date:1999


Regular Price: UGX 12,000

The Wall Patterns in Hima Huts and their Meaning

By:C. M. Sekintu

It was not until Margaret Trowell drew attention drew attention to them that the artistic and symbolic importance of the black and white patterns in Bahima huts became clear: That these were a form of communication about people and their environment. They depicted vegetation,astronomy,architecture,games,war beauty and other attributes <p> <b>About Authors</b> <p> C. M. Sekintu worked as artist-technician of the Uganda Museum and later as its first African curator. K. P. Wachsann was an artist and longtime curator at the Uganda Museum

Release date:2011


Regular Price: UGX 5,000

Uganda 30 Years (Third Revised Edition)

By:James Tumusiime

Release date:1996


Regular Price: UGX 10,000

Uganda Reflections of a Passing Generation

By:Mwita Rukandema

Release date:2013


Regular Price: UGX 15,000

Uganda Since Independence: A Story of Unfulfilled Hopes

By:Phares M. Mutibwa

Release date:1991, 2010


Regular Price: UGX 15,000

Uganda's Civil Society: History, Challenges, Prospects

By:John De Coninck (Ed)

Release date:2019


Regular Price: UGX 25,000

Uganda's Revolution: How I Saw It (1979-1986)

By:Pecos Kutesa

Colonel Kutesa provides important insights into the ideology and principles of the NRA and the events that triggered the rebellion which resulted in the ouster of the Obote II and the Okello Lutwa regimes. He traces his own growth and development from a naive young student to an adult troubled by political turmoil, presents his own reasons for joining in what he refers to as 'the struggle', and discusses the various roles he played in the course of the war and afterwards. <p> <b>About Author</b> <p> Brigadier Pecos Kutesa was born in Masaka District in 1956. He did his O and A levels at Masaka Secondary School between 1971 and 1975. He was, in 1986, promoted to colonel and appointed commander of the 4th Division headquartered in Gulu. From 1990 to 1991 he attended a course at the Ghana Armed Forces Staff College, after which he was appointed Chief of Training and Recruitment, a position he held up to 1994. He became a member of the Constituent Assembly in 1995, and thus helped shape the current Ugandan constitution. In 1998 Kutesa entered Makerere University, graduating in 2001 with a Bachelor of Arts (Social Sciences) degree.

Release date:2006


Regular Price: UGX 25,000

Uganda: A Century of Existence

By:P. Godfrey Okoth

Release date:1995


Regular Price: UGX 10,000

War in Pre-colonial Eastern Africa

By:Richard Reid

Release date:2007


Regular Price: UGX 50,000