Showing titles inHealth and Welfare

A Cure too Far: Obstacle-strewn struggle to end HIV/AIDS

By:Peter Mugyenyi

A Cure Too Far takes the reader back to the bleak time in Africa when doctors stood by helplessly and watched in horror as their distraught patients were hijacked by a ragtag army of cocky healers. It describes an obstacle-strewn struggle to stop peddlers of fake AIDS drugs and other detractors while trying to find a scientifically proven solution to alleviate the carnage.

Release date:2012


Regular Price: UGX 45,000

A handbook of medical ethics

By:Medi Kawuma (M.D)

Release date:2022


Regular Price: UGX 30,000

A Learner's companion on making healthy choices

By:Margaret K. Lubega

Release date:2003


Regular Price: UGX 8,000

A Practical Guide to Nutrition of Infants and Children in Uganda

By:Joy K. Ocero

Release date:1999


Regular Price: UGX 4,500

Before you see a Doctor: Understanding your Body and its Ailments

By:Medi Kawuma (M.D)

Release date:1997


Regular Price: UGX 7,000

Food and Nutrition Essentials

By:A.G. Tumuhimbise

Release date:2010


Regular Price: UGX 10,000

Food and Nutrition in Uganda: Principles and Community Needs

By:J.H. Muyonga

Food and Nutrition in Uganda: Principles and Community Needs This book provides information on foods and nutrition for use by extension workers. The authors have attempted to provide information on most of Uganda's foods and to discuss nutrition in a local context. About Editors Agnes Namutebi is an Associate Professor and Head of the Department of Food Science and Technology, Makerere University; teaching food processing and preservation methods. She has been involved in training district extension staff in food and nutrition security. John H. Muyonga is an Associate Professor and Head of the Department of Food Science and Technology, Makerere University. He teaches meat, poultry and fish science and technology as well as Nutritional Biochemistry. He is involved in a series of outreach activities involving the health and nutrition welfare of vulnerable groups. Gaston A. Tumuhimbise is an Assistant Lecturer in the Department of Food Science and Technology, Makerere University. He teaches Principles of Human Nutrition, Sensory Evaluation and Development. He is involved in a series of outreach activities for the health and nutrition welfare of vulnerable groups.

Release date:2007


Regular Price: UGX 10,000

Genocide by Denial: How Profiteering from HIV/AIDS Killed Missions

By:Peter Mugyenyi

This book is about the most devastating disaster since the bleak period of the Black Death catastrophe of 1347 to 1350 in Europe. The mystifying illness broke out simultaneously amidst the most dissimilar communities imaginable. Those initially affected comprised of mainly heterosexual poverty-stricken Africans in Central Africa and the affluent gay communities in the flamboyant cities of California in America. The new disease was named AIDS came close to wiping out an entire generation in Sub Saharan Africa. His power of narrative is immense and his descriptions so elaborate, nothing is left to the imagination. He makes the reader 'see' and 'sense' what actually transpired in the early days of the Aids pandemic and after that, the reader is firmly in his grip and casually or even happily feeding from his hand. Never before has the story of Aids in Uganda and the world at large been captured with such a masterly display of wordcraft. This is a book that can be read for pleasure as a novel, for study as a documentary and for intellectual enrichment as a powerful and informed critique of the political economy of Aids. ~ Gawaya Tegulle

Release date:2008


Regular Price: UGX 20,000

Growing up by Accident: Challenges in Handling Adolescents in Uganda School

By:Nakanyike B. Musisi

This book examines the challenges that schools face in handling adolescent pupils. It is a product of a series of studies conducted in Kenya, Uganda and Zimbabwe in the years 2000-2001 about management of puberty in primary schools, all of which came to the same and poignant conclusion that the current management of sexual maturation within the primary education system is systematically failing to meet the needs of all children, especially girls. About Authors Dr Deborah Kasente is senior lecturer, Department of Women and Gender Studies, Faculty of Social Sciences, Makerere University. She is also a Senior Research Associate at Makerere Institute of Social Research where she is a Team Leader of a Rockefeller supported project for Institutionalising Mastery of English Literacy in Uganda Primary Schools. Her other key publications are in Education Reform, Gender, Poverty and Employment;Gender and the Expansion of Non-Traditional Agricultural Exports, Gender and Social Security Reform and Microfinance. Dr Nakanyike B. Musisi is Executive Director of the Makerere Institute of Social Research (MISR), Uganda. She holds an MA and MPhil from the University of Birmingham, UK and a PhD from the University of Toronto, Canada. She takes keen interest in the transformations occuring in higher education in Uganda.

Release date:2007


Regular Price: UGX 8,000

High Fertility In Rural Uganda: The Role of Socio-economic and Biological Factors

By:James P.M. Ntozi

Release date:1995


Regular Price: UGX 10,000

Population Politics And Development: From the Policies to the Clinics

By:Lisa Ann Richey

The book analyses the politics of the emergence of population as a ‘problem’ and family planning as a ‘solution’. It looks at how African countries came to embrace typical family planning policies and neoliberal approaches that value limiting a woman’s offspring. It also looks at the way in which African women and men interpret the changing population messages so as to make sense of them as they attempt to raise healthy children within a context of economic uncertainty. Furthermore, the book explores the shifting global population discourse, the integration of HIV/AIDS into reproductive health, and the changing value of children as important directions for the future. It emphasises that the transnational politics that it portrays must be understood if the interpretive gaps between global discourses and local development interventions are to become narrower. The research for the book was conducted in Tanzania, which provides a particularly revealing illustration of the linkages between the global and local. <p> <b>About Author</b> <p> LISA ANN RICHEY holds a Ph.D. in Political Science and is Associate Professor of Development Studies in the Department of Society and Globalisation at Roskilde University, Denmark.

Release date:2010


Regular Price: UGX 12,000

Regular Price: UGX 30,000

Psychiatric Problems of HIV/AIDS and their Management in Africa

By:Segane Musisi

This is a textbook of medicine with special emphasis on the psychiatric problems associated with HIV and AIDS. It covers a myriad of complex mental health issues associated with the HIV and AIDS as a disease. This book deals with recognition, management and implications of mental health problems related to HIV and AIDSThis book deals with facts about HIV and AIDS, the signs and symptoms of mental illness in general and to personality and other psycho-behavioural factors which may lead to high HIV-infection risk behaviour and thus to HIV infection; “acute” or immediate emotional and behavioural reactions to the discovery that one is, indeed, infected with HIV; HIV-related psychiatric disorders; HIV–related mental health problems in children and adolescent orphans, the elderly HIV-positive persons and women as a special vulnerable group, and finally HIV and AIDS in conflict and post-conflict communities. It is therefore relevant to all health-care providers engaged in the battle against this epidemic. <p> <b>About Editors</b> <p> Seggane Musisi, MB.ChB., D.Psych. (Toronto), FRCP (C) is Professor and Head of Department of Psychiatry, Faculty of Medicine Makerere University College of Health Sciences, Kampala, and also the Uganda Senior Consultant Psychiatrist, Mulago Hospital, Kampala, Uganda. Eugene Kinyanda, MB.ChB., M.Med. (Mak), Ph.D. (NTNU) is the Research Manager of the Medical Research Council / Uganda Virus Research Institute Uganda Research Unit on AIDS, Entebbe, Uganda.

Release date:2009


Regular Price: UGX 20,000

Psychiatry for Primary Health Care in Uganda

By:Emilio Ovuga

This book has been written to foster quality health care and good quality of life for the mentally sick in Uganda. It has also been prepared to meet the needs not only of mental health care providers, but also those of the general health care practice.

Release date:2006


Regular Price: UGX 15,000

Regular Price: UGX 20,000

Sex Education for Young Adults: Questions and Answers

By:Dr. Elioda Tumwesigye

Release date:1999


Regular Price: UGX 8,000

Studying Intimate Matters: Engaging Methodological Challenges in Studies of Gender, Sexuality and Reproductive Health in Sub-Saharan Africa

By:Barbara Ann Barrett

People’s reproductive choices, sexual practices and domestic affairs very often become questions of life and death, suffering or fulfillment. With the increasing complexities of the social dynamics that shape the lives of women and men in Africa, there is a need to refine the procedures and instruments of investigation into the fields of sexuality, gender and reproduction. This book engages the methodological challenges that researchers face when they address highly intimate, taboo-ridden and controversial issues. These issues are always subject to negotiation and contestation, secrecy and revelation. The collection of articles in the book discusses such challenges and suggests how to overcome them in order to develop methods that aptly address intimate and sensitive matters without neglecting informants’ need for privacy and rights to confidentiality.

Release date:2011


Regular Price: UGX 18,000

Teaching Mental Health in the District(Trainer Guide)

By:Emilio Ovuga

The health Policy and Health Sector Strategic Plan of the Minitry of Health created the Uganda National Minimum Health Care Package(UNMHCP) as a conerstone in the delivery of Health Care in Uganda. The UNMHCP has list of essential services which government is committed to delivering, with mental health being one of the priority areas. As a result, the Department of Psychiatry, in collaboration with the Ministry of Health and with financial support from I@MAK COM, designed a two-week in-service training course for the health care workers, especially those in rural health facilities <p> <b>About Author</b> <p> Dr Emilio Ovuga is Professor of Psychiatry at Makerere University. He studied medicine at Makerere University (1971–1976) and psychiatry (1978–1981). He attained his PhD from Karolinska Institute and Makerere University in 2005. Dr Ovuga has a vast experience on psychological and social effects of river blindness, suicide and HIV/AIDS, and school mental health in Uganda. He has published on a wide range of medical and psychiatric topics.

Release date:2006


Regular Price: UGX 5,000

The Story of Hope

By:Uganda Society for the protection and care of animals

The Story of Hope Hope was a victim of animal cruelty - she was intentionally run over by a taxi driver. It is a miracle that she survived. The incident left her unable to use her hind legs. Making the best of her situation, Hope learned to walk on only her front legs. But her injuries left her very ill and she was near death when she was rescued months later by the Uganda Society for the Protection and Care of Animals in Kampala, Uganda. Soon, Hope had been transformed into a vibrant, healthy dog who loves people and has inspired many. ISBN 978-9970-25-100-1

Release date:2012


Regular Price: UGX 5,000

Understanding Allergies

By:Dr. Joanne Clough

Release date:


Regular Price: UGX 15,000

Understanding Anxiety and Panic Attacks

By:Kwame Mckenzie

Release date:


Regular Price: UGX 15,000

Understanding Arthritis and Rheumatism

By:Dr. Jennifer G. Worrall

Release date:


Regular Price: UGX 15,000

Understanding Asthma

By:Professor Jon Ayres

Release date:


Regular Price: UGX 15,000

Understanding Cancer

By:Dr. Gareth Rees

Release date:


Regular Price: UGX 11,000

Understanding Cholesterol

By:Dr. Mike Laker

Release date:


Regular Price: UGX 15,000

Understanding Depression

By:Kwame Mckenzie

Release date:


Regular Price: UGX 15,000

Understanding Epilepsy

By:Dr. Matthew Walker

Release date:


Regular Price: UGX 11,000

Understanding Forgetfulness and Dementia

By:Dr. C. N. Martyn

Release date:


Regular Price: UGX 11,000

Understanding Heart Surgery

By:J. A. J. Hyde

Release date:


Regular Price: UGX 11,000

Understanding Indigestion and Ulcers

By:Prof. Chris Hawkey

Release date:


Regular Price: UGX 11,000

Understanding Pregnancy

By:Dr. Norman Smith

Release date:


Regular Price: UGX 11,000

Understanding Prostate Disorders

By:Prof. David Kirk

Release date:


Regular Price: UGX 11,000

Understanding the Menopause and HRT

By:Dr. Anne Macgregor

Release date:


Regular Price: UGX 15,000

Understanding Thrush, Cystitis and Women's Genital Symptoms

By:Dr. Caroline Bradbeer

Release date:


Regular Price: UGX 11,000

Understanding Thyroid Disorders

By:Dr. Anthony Toft

Release date:


Regular Price: UGX 15,000