Category: Biographies

My Life's Journey

By:Janet Kataaha Museveni

Release date:2011


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My Life's Journey Janet Kainembabazi Kataaha Museveni writes her story, a tale of her birth in the picturesque area of Ntungamo, an innocent and carefree childhood, born from a line of the chiefs of Ankole. Her tale takes us through the changing seasons of her life and of her beloved homeland... from a haven of peace into a place of pain and turbulence. This is a journey that takes one to extremes. It is a love story and ultimately a story of dawn at the end of a dark night; a tale of hope through humility, and victory through faith. Janet Kainembabazi Kataaha Museveni is the First lady of Uganda, wife to President Yoweri Museveni. Janet has been a tireless crusader for the vulnerable members of Ugandan society, such as orphans and the women in rural areas. Her work with faith based initiatives among the youth has done a lot to address the issue of HIV/AIDS in Uganda. Janet Museveni is currently serving as MP for Ruhaama county and Minister of state for Karamoja. She is a mother of four and a grandmother of twelve. Rich with sincere self-reflection, My Life's Journey is sharp, witty, and unpretentious. It moves from scathing indictment to compassion, from sober to emotional, and from informative political analysis to insightful social commentary.Lucidly and grippingly written, captivating in presentation, the book is a moving contribution to history and should be welcomed by historians, professors, students, journalists, and the general public alike. From its pages we learn that faith in God, patience, resilience, love of culture and family, sustained the sanity of the author, and enabled her to overcome the trials and tribulations of life in exile. 'My Life's Journey is evocative, emotional, comprehensive and exciting. As I read, I shouted, I screamed, I cried and I laughed. The Janet Kataaha Museveni who emerges from this memoir is more human than her iconic largesse. If you like politics, history, culture, heritage, family, and faith, you will love this book'. Prof. Perezi Karukubiro Kamunanwire 'I have edited several autobiographies, and I am pleasantly surprised by the impression of honesty and humility that emerges from reading this book - by the very nature of an autobiography and the larger-than-life people whose achievements require documentation, biographies are often books characterised by arrogance, excessive self-worth and boastfulness. This is not evident in this work at all, and I suspect that the author will win much admiration from readers'. Hettie Human Managing Editor African Woman 'Down through the centuries, in every generation, there are outstanding women who have a voice for justice, reconciliation and for the poor and needy. Janet Museveni is such a woman. She has a most amazing life, and has used it to guide and encourage people across Uganda and all of Africa. Anyone who picks up this book and starts reading it will have difficulty putting it down until the end. Those especially interested in the great continent of Africa will be held spell-bound'. Douglas E. Coe A Friend of Uganda Washington, DC

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