![]() African Christianity: Its Public Role in Uganda and other African CountriesBy:Paul Gifford Release date:1999 Language:English
![]() Ghosts of Kanungu: Fertility, Secrecy and Exchange in the Great Lakes of East AfricaBy:Richard Vokes This is a historical ethnography of the Movement for the Restoration of the Ten Commandments of God(MRTC), and of the Kanungu fire itself. The book's central argument is that MRTC grew out of, and was located within a specific historically and geographically located- set of logics and practices related to attempts to gain redress for misfortune. Moreover, that this helps us to understand why the group later grew rapidly- during the early mid 1990s- given that this was a period during which south-western Uganda was experiencing what was perhaps the epidermic. Release date:2010 Language:English
![]() God Loves Africa: A Christian Perspective on God's Involvement with Africa through the AgesBy:Stephen J. Gillam Release date:2010 Language:English
![]() Islamic Fundamentalism: The Quest for The Right of Muslims in UgandaBy:Peter Tibenderana Islamic Fundamentalism: The Quest for The Right of Muslims In Uganda This book exposes the complexity of political Islam or Islamic fundamentalism in a way which has not been adequately reflected in previous published works on Uganda. Its principle aim is to provide the background information essential to an understanding of the rights of Muslims in an Islamic state and how these rights are understood and practiced in Uganda. Release date:2006 Language:English
![]() Memoirs of a Priestly and Episcopal life.By:John Baptist Kakubi Bishop John Baptist Kakubi was born in 1929 in Mbarara, Ankole, in western Uganda, a part of the country to which his grandfather had migrated years earlier from Kooki in Buganda, central Uganda. Kakubi was to become the first black Catholic Bishop of Mbarara Diocese. In this book Bishop Emeritus Kakubi gives an account of the trajectory of his personal life and career. The book straddles eight decades, spanning his childhood, secular education, pastoral training both in Uganda and abroad, and his pastoral career. The account is rendered with humility and passion, and presents the highs and lows of a clerical journey that began with a big number of companions but that only a chosen few managed to complete. The book also pays tribute to a number of individuals, some of whom are still living, while others have since passed on. Many of the people written about come alive, and are easy to defi ne against the social and historical backdrop of the period in which they lived. We see Kakubi making steady progress, despite the hurdles that fate throws up in his path every now and then, from deacon to priest to lecturer to parish priest to rector to Diocesan Secretary for Education, readily taking some of the advances in stride, other times protesting that he is being given too much to cope with too soon. Then in 1991 he retires, after a hectic and rewarding thirty-one years as priest and bishop. At the end we see a life richly and purposefully lived, a life that should serve as a source of inspiration to many others. Release date:2011 Language:English
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![]() Power of Babel: Language and Governance in The African ExperienceBy:Ali A. Mazrui Release date:1998 Language:English
![]() Reflections on the Muslim Leadership Question in UgandaBy:George W kanyeihamba Release date:1998 Language:English
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