![]() A Guide to Common Surgical Techniques for Practicing VeterinariansBy:Ndikuwera Jason This is the seventh and last of a series of publications of selected materials sponsored by I@mak project and is targeted at district extension workers and farmers of Uganda. A thorough anatomical and pathphysiological knowledge of the condition and meticulous attention to surgical principles are the basis for all surgical procedures. The procedures described in this guide are the most commonly used and can be carried out in general practice. This book is not aimed at replacing a textbook. It is assumed that the field veterinarian is well equipped with concepts of asepsis and antisepsis, instrumentation, suture materials and techniques, wound healing and supportive measures. In all instances of bovine surgery humane animal restraint and appropriate anaesthesia must be used. The book deals with Ruminant Surgery: Restraint Methods; and Surgical Techniques. Release date:2008 Language:English
![]() A Guide to Livestock Health and Management in UgandaBy:E. Katunguka-Rwakishaya This is the fourth in the series of publications and it deals with Livestock health and management: Differential diagnosis and management of common diseases of cattle as well as goat health management. The book deals with Livestock Health and Management: Difference Diagnosis and Management of Common Diseases of cattle; as well as Goat Health and Management Release date:2008 Language:English
![]() A Guide to Pig Production at Farm LevelBy:David Mutetikka This is the tenth of a series of publications of selected materials sponsored jointly by I@mak project and Fountain Publishers. A pig keeper who understands management practices will find itrewarding to keep pigs. In the past, market was a major problem but presently farmers are encouraged to start keeping pigs because of better prices owing to increased demand. This manual is a set of practical guidelines aimed at helping farmers in their investment and routine work. It covers all the important aspects of pig management. It is an attempt to contribute to available literature on the subject of pig production with relevance to conditions in Uganda. It is written in simple language to be understood by a wide readership including farmers, students and extension service providers. The book deals with: Starting Pig Production Business; Pig Housing and Equipment; Practical and General Management of Pigs; Feeding Management; Health and Disease Control; Waste Management; Record Keeping; as well as Economics of Pig Production and Marketing Release date:2009 Language:English
![]() A Guide to Reproductive Herd Health Management in CattleBy:C.M. Rubaire-Akiiki A Guide to Reproductive Herd Health Management in Cattle is the sixth of a series of publications of selected materials sponsored by I@mak project and is targeted at district extension workers and farmers of Uganda. The book deals with Reproductive Health: Reproductive Herd Health in Cattle; Beef Production Management; and Management of Mastitis. Release date:2008 Language:English
![]() A Handbook on Livestock NutritionBy:E. Katunguka-Rwakishaya This is the fifth of a series ofpublications of selected materials sponsored by I@mak project And is targeted at district extension workers and farmers of Uganda. The book deals with Livestock Nutrition: Feeds and Feeding of Ruminants and Pigs; Body Condition Scoring (BCS); and Body Weight Estimation. Release date:2008 Language:English
![]() A Manual Farm Structures and Housing TechnologiesBy:E. Katunguka-Rwakishaya This is the second of a series of publications of selected materials sponsored by I@mak project and is targeted at both livestock extension service providers and farmers who want to practice farming as a business and not for prestige only. It will also be useful to students and teachers of livestock production and management at colleges and universities. The book has been written in simple language as a source of ready material on farm structures and housing technologies: Fences, Passages and Gates; the Crush, Dip Tank and Spray Race; Water Harvesting and Supply Facilities; Farm Buildings and Sheds; Manure Handling Facilities; as well as Farm Siting and Layout Release date:2008 Language:English
![]() Abagabe b'Ankole IBy:Alozio Katate Abagabe b'Ankole I n'ekitabo kyokubanza aha bitabo bibiri ebihandiikirwe abahanuuzi bakuru ahabyabaireho omuri Ankole kuruga omu biro by'Abacwezi kuhistya omubutware bw'Omugabe Gasyonga II Ekitabo eki nikitandika n'okwija kw'Abacwezi, kikuratsaho ebyabaireho omubutware bw'Abagabe Abahinda kuhistya ahari Ntare V, n'okwija kw'Abangyereza abaabandize omuri Nkore. Alozio Katate ni mwijukuru wa Juliano Ruhara, ow'eishaza w'okubanza wa Rwampara, Mukwenda. Akakoraho nk'omuhandiki wamahurire ga Ageteraine, yabaaho ow'egomborora kandi yakora nk'omuhwezi w'omugabe Gasyonga II. Lazaro Kamugungunu akazaarwa 1884, yakora nk'owegomborora, oweishaza, nabwanyima yaba kihimba. Akaija yaaba Enganzi y'Ankole 1937-1946. Akafa 1976. ISBN 978-9970-25-086-8 Release date:2011 Language:English
![]() Abagabe b'Ankole IIBy:Alozio Katate Abagabe b'Ankole II n'ekitabo kyakabiri aha bitabo bibiri ebihandiikirwe abahanuuzi bakuru ahabyabaireho omuri Ankole. Ekitabo eki nikikwata aha magara g'Abagabe Suleiman Kahaya II na Sir Charles Gasyonga II. Nikishoborora okwija kw'Abangyereza omuri Ankole n'okutandika kwa Gavumenti endinzi n'emirimo yaayo omuri District y'Ankole. Alozio Katate ni mwijukuru wa Juliano Ruhara, ow'eishaza w'okubanza wa Rwampara, Mukwenda. Akakoraho nk'omuhandiki wamahurire ga Ageteraine, yabaaho ow'egomborora kandi yakora nk'omuhwezi w'omugabe Gasyonga II. Lazaro Kamugungunu akazaarwa 1884, yakora nk'owegomborora, oweishaza, nabwanyima yaba kihimba. Akaija yaaba Enganzi y'Ankole 1937-1946. Akafa 1976. ISBN Abagabe b'Ankole II n'ekitabo kyakabiri aha bitabo bibiri ebihandiikirwe abahanuuzi bakuru ahabyabaireho omuri Ankole. Ekitabo eki nikikwata aha magara g'Abagabe Suleiman Kahaya II na Sir Charles Gasyonga II. Nikishoborora okwija kw'Abangyereza omuri Ankole n'okutandika kwa Gavumenti endinzi n'emirimo yaayo omuri District y'Ankole. Alozio Katate ni mwijukuru wa Juliano Ruhara, ow'eishaza w'okubanza wa Rwampara, Mukwenda. Akakoraho nk'omuhandiki wamahurire ga Ageteraine, yabaaho ow'egomborora kandi yakora nk'omuhwezi w'omugabe Gasyonga II. Lazaro Kamugungunu akazaarwa 1884, yakora nk'owegomborora, oweishaza, nabwanyima yaba kihimba. Akaija yaaba Enganzi y'Ankole 1937-1946. Akafa 1976. ISBN 978-9970-25-087-5 Release date:2011 Language:English
![]() Africa's Inland Fisheries: The Management ChallengeBy:Kim Geheb Based on empirical research from ten African countries, the eleven essays in this volume address certain questions on the management of natural resources and suggest possible solutions to the challenges facing fisheries management in the ten inland water bodies of Africa, including Africa's largest fisheries, lakes Victoria, Tanganyika and Malawi. Release date:2002 Language:English
![]() African Urban Harvest: Agriculture in the cities of Cameroon, Kenya and UgandaBy:Gordon Pram African Urban Harvest Over the past two decades, how has urban agriculture changed in sub-Saharan African? Is city farming now better integrated into environmental management and city governance? And, looking ahead, how might urban agriculture address the needs of the low-income households and modernizing cities of Africa? In this book, leading specialists in the fi eld of urban agriculture and urban environment present a unique collection of case studies that examines the growing role of local food production in urban livelihoods in sub- Saharan Africa. Amongst many issues, the authors probe the changing role of urban agriculture, the risks and benefi ts of crops-livestock systems, and the opportunities for making locally produced food more easily available and more profi table. Concluding chapters refl ect on the policy and governance implications of greater integration of urban natural resources and the built environment, an expanded role for urban agriculture in sub-Saharan Africa and crucial role of women in urban food systems. African Urban Harvest will be of interest to decision-makers, development professionals, researchers, academics, and studies and educators in urban planning, development studies, African studies, and environmental studies. Contents: The Institutional and Regional Context; Urban Agriculture in Africa: What Has Been Learned? Part I Cameroon; Urban Farming Systems in Yaounde - Building a Mosaic; Crop-Livestock Integration in the Urban Farming Systems of Yaounde; Institutional Development of Urban Agriculture-An Ongoing History of Yaounde; Part II Uganda; Changing Trends in Urban Agriculture in Kampala; Can Schools be Agents of Urban Agriculture Extension and Seed Production?; Identifying Market Opportunities for Urban and Peri-Urban Farmers in Kampala; Health Impact Assessment of Urban Agriculture in Kampala; Part III Kenya; Recycling Nutrients from Organic Wastes in Kenya's Capital City; Crop-Livestock- Waste Interactions in Nakuru's Urban Agriculture; Benefi ts and Selected Health Risks of Urban Dairy Production in Nakuru, Kenya; Urban Agroforestry Products in Kisumu, Kenya: A Rapid Market Assessment; Part IV Urban Agriculture and Institutional Change; IDRC and Its Partners in Sub-Saharan Africa 2000-2008; The Contribution of Research-Development Partnerships to Building Urban Agriculture Policy; Acronyms; Index ISBN 978-9970-25-137-7 Release date:2012 Language:English