![]() A Guide to Common Surgical Techniques for Practicing VeterinariansBy:Ndikuwera Jason This is the seventh and last of a series of publications of selected materials sponsored by I@mak project and is targeted at district extension workers and farmers of Uganda. A thorough anatomical and pathphysiological knowledge of the condition and meticulous attention to surgical principles are the basis for all surgical procedures. The procedures described in this guide are the most commonly used and can be carried out in general practice. This book is not aimed at replacing a textbook. It is assumed that the field veterinarian is well equipped with concepts of asepsis and antisepsis, instrumentation, suture materials and techniques, wound healing and supportive measures. In all instances of bovine surgery humane animal restraint and appropriate anaesthesia must be used. The book deals with Ruminant Surgery: Restraint Methods; and Surgical Techniques. Release date:2008 Language:English
![]() A Guide to Livestock Health and Management in UgandaBy:E. Katunguka-Rwakishaya This is the fourth in the series of publications and it deals with Livestock health and management: Differential diagnosis and management of common diseases of cattle as well as goat health management. The book deals with Livestock Health and Management: Difference Diagnosis and Management of Common Diseases of cattle; as well as Goat Health and Management Release date:2008 Language:English
![]() A Guide to Pig Production at Farm LevelBy:David Mutetikka This is the tenth of a series of publications of selected materials sponsored jointly by I@mak project and Fountain Publishers. A pig keeper who understands management practices will find itrewarding to keep pigs. In the past, market was a major problem but presently farmers are encouraged to start keeping pigs because of better prices owing to increased demand. This manual is a set of practical guidelines aimed at helping farmers in their investment and routine work. It covers all the important aspects of pig management. It is an attempt to contribute to available literature on the subject of pig production with relevance to conditions in Uganda. It is written in simple language to be understood by a wide readership including farmers, students and extension service providers. The book deals with: Starting Pig Production Business; Pig Housing and Equipment; Practical and General Management of Pigs; Feeding Management; Health and Disease Control; Waste Management; Record Keeping; as well as Economics of Pig Production and Marketing Release date:2009 Language:English
![]() A Guide to Reproductive Herd Health Management in CattleBy:C.M. Rubaire-Akiiki A Guide to Reproductive Herd Health Management in Cattle is the sixth of a series of publications of selected materials sponsored by I@mak project and is targeted at district extension workers and farmers of Uganda. The book deals with Reproductive Health: Reproductive Herd Health in Cattle; Beef Production Management; and Management of Mastitis. Release date:2008 Language:English
![]() A Handbook on Livestock NutritionBy:E. Katunguka-Rwakishaya This is the fifth of a series ofpublications of selected materials sponsored by I@mak project And is targeted at district extension workers and farmers of Uganda. The book deals with Livestock Nutrition: Feeds and Feeding of Ruminants and Pigs; Body Condition Scoring (BCS); and Body Weight Estimation. Release date:2008 Language:English
![]() A Manual Farm Structures and Housing TechnologiesBy:E. Katunguka-Rwakishaya This is the second of a series of publications of selected materials sponsored by I@mak project and is targeted at both livestock extension service providers and farmers who want to practice farming as a business and not for prestige only. It will also be useful to students and teachers of livestock production and management at colleges and universities. The book has been written in simple language as a source of ready material on farm structures and housing technologies: Fences, Passages and Gates; the Crush, Dip Tank and Spray Race; Water Harvesting and Supply Facilities; Farm Buildings and Sheds; Manure Handling Facilities; as well as Farm Siting and Layout Release date:2008 Language:English
![]() Abagabe b'Ankole IBy:Alozio Katate Abagabe b'Ankole I n'ekitabo kyokubanza aha bitabo bibiri ebihandiikirwe abahanuuzi bakuru ahabyabaireho omuri Ankole kuruga omu biro by'Abacwezi kuhistya omubutware bw'Omugabe Gasyonga II Ekitabo eki nikitandika n'okwija kw'Abacwezi, kikuratsaho ebyabaireho omubutware bw'Abagabe Abahinda kuhistya ahari Ntare V, n'okwija kw'Abangyereza abaabandize omuri Nkore. Alozio Katate ni mwijukuru wa Juliano Ruhara, ow'eishaza w'okubanza wa Rwampara, Mukwenda. Akakoraho nk'omuhandiki wamahurire ga Ageteraine, yabaaho ow'egomborora kandi yakora nk'omuhwezi w'omugabe Gasyonga II. Lazaro Kamugungunu akazaarwa 1884, yakora nk'owegomborora, oweishaza, nabwanyima yaba kihimba. Akaija yaaba Enganzi y'Ankole 1937-1946. Akafa 1976. ISBN 978-9970-25-086-8 Release date:2011 Language:English
![]() Abagabe b'Ankole IIBy:Alozio Katate Abagabe b'Ankole II n'ekitabo kyakabiri aha bitabo bibiri ebihandiikirwe abahanuuzi bakuru ahabyabaireho omuri Ankole. Ekitabo eki nikikwata aha magara g'Abagabe Suleiman Kahaya II na Sir Charles Gasyonga II. Nikishoborora okwija kw'Abangyereza omuri Ankole n'okutandika kwa Gavumenti endinzi n'emirimo yaayo omuri District y'Ankole. Alozio Katate ni mwijukuru wa Juliano Ruhara, ow'eishaza w'okubanza wa Rwampara, Mukwenda. Akakoraho nk'omuhandiki wamahurire ga Ageteraine, yabaaho ow'egomborora kandi yakora nk'omuhwezi w'omugabe Gasyonga II. Lazaro Kamugungunu akazaarwa 1884, yakora nk'owegomborora, oweishaza, nabwanyima yaba kihimba. Akaija yaaba Enganzi y'Ankole 1937-1946. Akafa 1976. ISBN Abagabe b'Ankole II n'ekitabo kyakabiri aha bitabo bibiri ebihandiikirwe abahanuuzi bakuru ahabyabaireho omuri Ankole. Ekitabo eki nikikwata aha magara g'Abagabe Suleiman Kahaya II na Sir Charles Gasyonga II. Nikishoborora okwija kw'Abangyereza omuri Ankole n'okutandika kwa Gavumenti endinzi n'emirimo yaayo omuri District y'Ankole. Alozio Katate ni mwijukuru wa Juliano Ruhara, ow'eishaza w'okubanza wa Rwampara, Mukwenda. Akakoraho nk'omuhandiki wamahurire ga Ageteraine, yabaaho ow'egomborora kandi yakora nk'omuhwezi w'omugabe Gasyonga II. Lazaro Kamugungunu akazaarwa 1884, yakora nk'owegomborora, oweishaza, nabwanyima yaba kihimba. Akaija yaaba Enganzi y'Ankole 1937-1946. Akafa 1976. ISBN 978-9970-25-087-5 Release date:2011 Language:English
![]() Africa's Inland Fisheries: The Management ChallengeBy:Kim Geheb Based on empirical research from ten African countries, the eleven essays in this volume address certain questions on the management of natural resources and suggest possible solutions to the challenges facing fisheries management in the ten inland water bodies of Africa, including Africa's largest fisheries, lakes Victoria, Tanganyika and Malawi. Release date:2002 Language:English
![]() African Urban Harvest: Agriculture in the cities of Cameroon, Kenya and UgandaBy:Gordon Pram African Urban Harvest Over the past two decades, how has urban agriculture changed in sub-Saharan African? Is city farming now better integrated into environmental management and city governance? And, looking ahead, how might urban agriculture address the needs of the low-income households and modernizing cities of Africa? In this book, leading specialists in the fi eld of urban agriculture and urban environment present a unique collection of case studies that examines the growing role of local food production in urban livelihoods in sub- Saharan Africa. Amongst many issues, the authors probe the changing role of urban agriculture, the risks and benefi ts of crops-livestock systems, and the opportunities for making locally produced food more easily available and more profi table. Concluding chapters refl ect on the policy and governance implications of greater integration of urban natural resources and the built environment, an expanded role for urban agriculture in sub-Saharan Africa and crucial role of women in urban food systems. African Urban Harvest will be of interest to decision-makers, development professionals, researchers, academics, and studies and educators in urban planning, development studies, African studies, and environmental studies. Contents: The Institutional and Regional Context; Urban Agriculture in Africa: What Has Been Learned? Part I Cameroon; Urban Farming Systems in Yaounde - Building a Mosaic; Crop-Livestock Integration in the Urban Farming Systems of Yaounde; Institutional Development of Urban Agriculture-An Ongoing History of Yaounde; Part II Uganda; Changing Trends in Urban Agriculture in Kampala; Can Schools be Agents of Urban Agriculture Extension and Seed Production?; Identifying Market Opportunities for Urban and Peri-Urban Farmers in Kampala; Health Impact Assessment of Urban Agriculture in Kampala; Part III Kenya; Recycling Nutrients from Organic Wastes in Kenya's Capital City; Crop-Livestock- Waste Interactions in Nakuru's Urban Agriculture; Benefi ts and Selected Health Risks of Urban Dairy Production in Nakuru, Kenya; Urban Agroforestry Products in Kisumu, Kenya: A Rapid Market Assessment; Part IV Urban Agriculture and Institutional Change; IDRC and Its Partners in Sub-Saharan Africa 2000-2008; The Contribution of Research-Development Partnerships to Building Urban Agriculture Policy; Acronyms; Index ISBN 978-9970-25-137-7 Release date:2012 Language:English
![]() Agriculture in Uganda: Crops Volume IIBy:Joseph K. Mukiibi This volume, lists and analyses plant generic resources in Uganda before sub-dividing into sections on cereals, oil crops, grain legumes, roots & tubers, plantains traditional cash crops and new areas like sericulture and mushroom cultivation.<br> Paperback 572pp.Also avalable in hardcover Release date:2001 Language:English
![]() Agriculture in Uganda: Forestry Volume IIIBy:Joseph K. Mukiibi On forestry describes the nature and composition of Uganda's forest resources analyses the history, progress, challenges and prospects of managing and developing those resources.<br> Paperpack 109pp also available in hardcover Release date:2001 Language:English
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![]() Agriculture in Uganda: Livestock and FisheriesBy:Joseph K. Mukiibi This volume addresses challenges and prospects of managing and developing the livestock and fisheries resources. Paperpack also availble in hard cover Release date:2001 Language:English
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![]() Bee Keeping Theory and PracticeBy:D.R. Kugonza This is the eighth of a series of publications selected materials sponsored jointly by I@mak project and Fountain Publishers. It is targeted at district extension workers and farmers in Uganda and the region. This book is divided into two parts. Part One focuses on understanding these important insects. It show that bees are not only matriarchal but also that they are such a well organised community of insects, with clear roles for every hive occupant, and with a complex communication system that human armies cannot help but marvel at. The second part presents the practice of beekeeping. It looks at the equipment and tools, management aspects, and general care needed for a successful enterprise. Beekeeping, unlike livestock does not require high investment and maintenance costs or intensive labour, which keep out many potential farmers. Beekeeping provides an avenue for production of nutritious food, and most importantly, enables the majority of rural dwellers to earn good levels of income without necessarily destroying the environment, and without investing a lot of capital or requiring daily labour. Release date:2009 Language:English
![]() Choosing a Career and Finding a Job in Agriculture: Opportunities in Agriculture and Agro-industrial SectorBy:Elizabeth K. Balirwa The Ugandan economy depends largely on agriculture and will continue to do so for some time. This makes agriculture not only a key but a noble profession. It is our intention to refocus the best minds to the problems and opportunities in the farming community. This book has been written by people who studied and are now teaching and practicing agriculture. The book will avail career information to prospective students of agriculture; help students of agriculture and related disciplines at secondary, college and university levels to nurture their careers; developments' careers; develop students' careers through continuous online guidance; attract potential clients to the field of agriculture and help students develop interests and skill in self-employment. Release date:2010 Language:English
![]() Commercial Sugarcane Farming in the Lake Victoria Basin: A Quandary of OpportunitiesBy:F. Wasswa This book examines the nexus between commercial sugarcane farming, household poverty status and environmental sustainability in the Lake Victoria Basin. It is collection of reviews coupled with field data provides an excellent treatment of some of the most important emerging issues connected with cash crop farming in general, and sugarcane farming in particular. All the authors are recognized experts in their subjects and together they provide an authoritative and crucial overview of this highly topical area of concern in the East African region, in Kenya in particular. Release date:2012 Language:English
![]() Design of Appropriate Agroforestry Interventions in UgandaBy:S. Namirembe Design of Appropriate Agroforestry Interventions in Uganda is a very important book because of two major reasons. First, the potential for agroforestry to improve farmers’ livelihoods in line with the national Plan for Modernisation of Agriculture, and second, the district forest services within the decentralised government framework, enable service providers to promote appropriate agroforestry interventions depending on local conditions. This manual was developed after a training needs assessment revealed that extension staff were few and did not have sufficient understanding of the potential gains and pitfalls in the subject to adequately advise farmers on a case by case basis. Release date:2007 Language:English
![]() Eradication of Gender-Based Violence in Uganda.By:Deborah Kasente Eradication of Gender-based Violence in Uganda The main aim of this publication is to contribute to the eradication of gender-based violence in Uganda. As reviews of existing knowledge in each chapter show, gender-based violence is a widespread vice, with strong and multi-directional linkages to poverty and gender inequality. Although not exclusively targeted at women and girls, gender-based violence affects these two categories disproportionately, reinforcing existing gender hierarchies, and perpetuating gender inequalities in different contexts. In specific contexts, such as war situations, household and community gender relations, gender-based violence has become a tool for social control, mainly through controlling the sexuality of women and girls and sanctioning women and children to adhere to ascribed social gendered division of roles, as well as upholding the privilege of men as key decision makers. Existing information, especially from victims and survivors of gender-based violence, should be used further to generate more community-based interventions. There is evidence that civil society organisations that have used participatory approaches, involving both women and men in communities, have developed effective interventions, although these interventions are not widely covered and, therefore, not well known. Deborah Kasente (PhD) is an Associate Professor at Makerere University in the Department of Women and Gender Studies. She has been engaged in research and research leadership for up-coming researchers at Makerere for over ten years and has innovated and managed training programmes for gender short courses and research methods. Apart from researching and publishing widely on education at different levels, she has also published peer-reviewed articles on Gender and Agrarian Change, Gender, Poverty and Employment, Gender and Social Development, Decent Work, Gendered Effects of Microfinance and Gender and Social Security. She is an experienced gender trainer at international and national levels and a member of the Editorial Advisory Group for Gender and Development by Oxfam GB and Feminist Review by Palgrave Macmillan. Her other publications are: Growing Up by Accident: Challenges in Handling Adolescents in Ugandan Schools, Enhancing the Quality of Primary Education in Uganda: A Case for Improved Literacy, Improving the Quality of Teaching by Fountain Publishers and Illuminating Students' Voices in Higher Education by Earnest Publishers. Release date:2011 Language:English
![]() Experiences, Innovations and Issues in Agricultural Extension in Uganda: Lessons and ProposalsBy:Margaret Najjingo Mangheni This book makes a vital contribution to the documentation and analysis of Uganda’s experiences with agricultural extension systems. Introduced way back in the early 1900s by the colonial administration, agricultural extension has since been part and parcel of Uganda’s agricultural development strategy, albeit with various changes and innovations in approaches, institutional arrangements, methods, and strategies. Notable innovations included liberalization in the early1990s, which broadened the provision of extension services beyond the public domain to include a range of non-governmental organizations (NGOs); decentralization of extension services to the districts in 1997 (Local Government Act, 1997); and the shift from public to private farmerowned contract extension approach through the National Agricultural Advisory Services (NAADS) Act, 2001. While all these provided a wide range of valuable experiences, systematic documentation and analysis with a view to drawing lessons to inform theory and practice, has been largely insufficient. Unfortunate consequences of this dearth of information include, among others, repetition of previous mistakes, policy reviews not informed by previous lessons, localized success stories not widely disseminated and up-scaled, and the absence of credible locally-produced reference text books for use during training of agricultural extension professionals at university and other levels. This book should serve as an important resource for educators and students in agricultural higher education, policy makers and practitioners in Uganda and other developing countries Release date:2007 Language:English
![]() Fish Farming as a BusinessBy:G. M. Kamugisa This is the ninth of a series of publications of selected materials sponsored jointly by I@mak project and Fountain Publishers. The book has been designed for commercial fish farmers and aquaculture students in Africa and information put in such a way that it can be comprehended by persons with no formal training in aquaculture. A number of innovations that have been made on the few pioneer commercial fish farms in Africa are described. The book combines technical aspects of fish production with aqua-business principles and provides a basis for further innovations in the production and marketing of farmed fish. It is the authors’ sincere hope and belief that this book will make a contribution to the development of commercial aquaculture in Africa. The book deals with Fish Farming; Production of Fish Seed and its Utilisation; Fish Farming Systems; Management Practices; and the Aquabusiness. Release date:2009 Language:English
![]() Important Parasitic Diseases of Livestock in UgandaBy:E. Katunguka-Rwakishaya This is the third in the series of publications and it deals with livestock diseases in Uganda: Control and Management of ticks and tick-borne diseases; Control and Management of Worm infection in Domestic Ruminants; as well as Differential Diagnosis, Treatment and Control of Animal Trypanosomiasis in Uganda. Release date:2008 Language:English
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![]() Poultry Farming as a Business- A Practical GuideBy:C. C. Kyarisiima Poultry Farming as a Business - A Practical Guide is the twelveth of a series of publications of selected materials targeted at district extension workers and farmers of Uganda. The book deals with Poultry Farming as a Business; Types of Chickens reared by Ugandan Farmers; Poultry Management Systems; Poultry Houses and Equipment; Poultry Nutrition; Poultry Health, Management of Broilers, of Egg-type Chickens (Layers), of Local/indigenous Chickens, as well as of Turkeys and Ducks; and, Records for a Poultry Enterprise. Connie Cleona Kyarisiima, is currently working as a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Animal Science, Faculty of Agriculture, Makerere University. She holds a Bachelors degree in Agriculture (Makerere University), a Diploma in Education (Makerere University), a Masters degree in Agriculture (University of Sydney - Australia), and a Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Animal Science (Makerere University). Her main professional interest is improvement of the performance of poultry in Uganda, through the use of locally available resources. These are series of publications of selected agricultural related materials sponsored by I@mak project Release date:2011 Language:English
![]() Self Assessment Manual for Farming as a BusinessBy:C.M. Rubaire-Akiiki This book is the first of a series of publications of selected materials sponsored by I@mak project and is targeted at district extension workers and farmers of Uganda. The book deals with Farming Business: Assessing Yourself, Your Farm and Goals; Record-keeping; Financial Reporting; Marketing; as well as Management and Microfinance. Release date:2008 Language:English
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![]() Zero Grazing: A guide to increased dairy productionBy:Dr. Kiconco Doris Reducing malnutrition among children and pregnant mothers is a challenge to many development workers. One of the approaches is to improve production and increase availability of milk. With the ever-increasing human population, however, land holding per household is on the decline and, therefore, conventional dairy production is becoming more difficult. This is particularly so in peri-urban settings, where families need milk not only for domestic consumption, but also income generation. This scarcity of farmland calls for highly intensive dairy farming system to increase efficiency of land utilization, thus the zero grazing system. Zero Grazing is a system of dairy production whereby the dairy cows are kept in a stall all the time, and feed and water are brought to them. Animals are not taken to the pasture for grazing; pasture is cut from the field and brought to the stall for the animals to eat. This book sets out to describe, explain and market zero grazing as a means of solving the malnutrition problem through increasing animal productivity without the hustle of taking the animals out. It will work for the individual farmer, for agriculture scholars and those intending to take on dairy farming at subsistence and commercial levels. <br><br><b>About the Author</b><br><br> Dr Kiconco Doris is currently holding the post of Principal Veterinary Inspector, in Ministry of Agriculture Animal Industry and Fisheries (MAAIF), responsible for inspection and certification of live animals and animal products for export and domestic trade. She was born to Mr Ezra (deceased) and Mrs Efuransi Batuta of Muyebe village, Buhara sub-county, Kabale district in 1961. She attended Muyebe Primary School, Bweranyangi Girls Secondary School and Nyakasura School. A holder of Bachelor of Veterinary Medicine degree from Makerere University and Master of Science in Tropical Animal Production and Health from Edinburgh University, Dr Kiconco has worked in Kampala and Mpigi districts as Veterinary Offi cer, providing extension and clinical services to livestock farmers, especially dairy farmers. In 1993 she transferred to Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Industry and Fisheries (MAAIF) headquarters where she was responsible for promoting and guiding small scale dairy farming for more than fifteen years. During this period she worked with the -Å“Heifer Project- that was initiated, funded and implemented by MAAIF in the original Mpigi district, enabling her to gain insight into the challenges of the zero grazing system of dairy production. In a bid to find an answer to the challenge of -Å“repeat insemination- that was the most common and most economically devastating, she carried out research for partial fulfi lment of her Master's degree, on the -Å“Reproductive Performance of Zero Grazed Dairy Cattle kept by Women in Mpigi District-ÂÂ. This study became the motivation for this book. Release date:2012 Language:English