Showing titles inLiterature

A student's guide to Fate of the banished

By:Dominica Dipio

Release date:2009


Regular Price: UGX 5,000

Aida, Hurray for Somo and Others

By:Austin Ejiet

Although the stories are wholly fictional, they encapsulate three decades of Uganda’s violent history and, more importantly, the responses of human beings to crises engendered by pain and sustained brutality, giving credence to Albert Camus’ assertion that there is more to admire in men than to despise. About the Author Austin Ejiet was born in Uganda in May 1951. He was educated at Makerere University, the University of Stirling in Scotland, and Marquette University, USA. Before leaving Makerere after 25 years of service, he designed and incorporated into the curriculum of the Department of Literature, a course on creative writing, which continues to enjoy unprecedented success and popularity. He is now a consultant and full-time writer, taking time off once a week to produce the award-winning newspaper column ‘Take It or Leave It’, initially for the Sunday Monitor and now for the Sunrise newspapers.

Release date:1999


Regular Price: UGX 10,000

Do I Have to Kneel?

By:Patrica Howard

Patricia Howard Namuli, the heroine of this novel, battles her way from an isolated village to international recognition. She meets diff erent obstacles, varied prejudices and the enigmas of her own uncertainty as a student, a professional and mother. She also has a great love story. Her character is based on a real life Ugandan and her story gives readers a vivid picture of the century from the 1950s to the 70s.

Release date:2004


Regular Price: UGX 15,000

Fate of the Banished

By:Julius Ocwinyo

Release date:1997, 2008


Regular Price: UGX 13,000

First steps in understanding poetry: Guide for Secondary school students

By:Y. N Kitayimbwa

Release date:


Regular Price: UGX 10,000

Footprints of The Outsider

By:Julius Ocwinyo

'As an att empt to describe Uganda's recent past, Footprints of the outsider surpasses anything I have ever read-¦ The author chose a district, drew it, and told its story through a variety of representative people-¦ consequently we believe his story Prof. Taban Lo Liyong

Release date:2003


Regular Price: UGX 12,000

For the Fairest

By:Ulysses Chuka Kibuuka

Release date:1991


Regular Price: UGX 10,000

Going Solo

By:Hope Keshubi

Winner - Uganda Writers' Prize 2001 Mary

Release date:1997


Regular Price: UGX 10,000

I will Not Fail

By:Madinah Nakandha Kisubi

In this book, Namukose does not want to end up like her mother, poor and bullied by her husband, Namukose’s father. She wants to do well in school and have a career. Because of her determination and courage, therefore, she manages to overcome some tough challenges on her path and eventually succeeds. This story examines the destinies of girls who happen to be born in Africa, whose lot is often marked by forced exit from school, early marriage, and relentless misery. It celebrates women’s inner strength and their centrality to the well-being of humanity. It gives a human face to the many trials and tribulations, as well as cultural constraints that the girl-child should be ready to face. It also points out the opportunities that will open themselves up to the girl who remains steadfast in her ambitions. About Author Madinah Nakandha Kisubi was born in Bugiri district, eastern Uganda. She holds an MA in Education Management at Pacific Western University in the USA. She has taught in several schools in Uganda and served as a counsellor and woman leader in her community. Madinah has set herself the mission to see girl-children excel in every aspect of socio-economic and political development.

Release date:2007


Regular Price: UGX 10,000

Iteo Alive

By:Aloysius Aloka

Release date:1999


Regular Price: UGX 10,000

Of Saints and Scarecrows

By:Ulysses Chuka Kibuuka

When Ssempa and Sister Julian come together, this only spells tragedy. Ssempa – irreverent, crafty and atheistic – and Julian – a pious, subservient Catholic nun – suddenly find themselves the focus of two religious communities with irreconcilable interests. The unexpected liaison between the two protagonists ignites unforeseen passions within each of the communities, and causes unbearable tensions between them. The two communities inevitably collide, crushing the two hapless lovers in the process. In this contentious, satirical and racy tale that straddles the Great Lakes region and concerns itself with one of the cataclysmic eras of Uganda’s history – the 1950s through to the 1970s. About the Author Ulysses Chuka Kibuuka was born in 1953 at Karera, Bugongi-Sheema, western Uganda. He attended St Peter’s College, Tororo and the Aga Khan School, Masaka. In 1986 Kibuuka was with the NRA guerrillas that ousted the Milton Obote regime and he still serves in the armed forces. His first novel, For the Fairest, won the 1993 UPABA award for best fiction and was reviewed by the BBC Artshouse in 1996 as well as The New Vision and Radio Uganda. He is also the author of Pale Souls Abroad and Other Tales and A Wife for the Clan.

Release date:2006


Regular Price: UGX 10,000

Pale Souls Abroad and Other Stories

By:Ulysses Chuka Kibuuka

From the absurdities of present-day class pretensions to the moral corruption infecting human interactions in the Idi Amin and Milton Obote eras, Pale Souls Abroad and Other Tales arcs from comedy to tragedy, casting an unsparing eye on the accommodations Ugandans have made to nefarious influences, foreign and domestic. Nearly all the tales pivot on a supernatural event, the revelation of an ancient and implacable force that exacts its own retribution for unarticulated transgressions. About Author Ulysses Chuka Kibuuka was born in1953 at Karera, Bugongi-Sheema, western Uganda. He attended St Peter’s College, Tororo and the Aga Khan School, Masaka. In 1986 Kibuuka was with the NRA guerrillas that ousted the Milton Obote regime and he still serves in the armed forces. His first novel, For the Fairest, won the 1993 UPABA award for best fiction and was reviewed by the BBC Artshouse in 1996 as well as The New Vision and Radio Uganda. He is also the author of Pale Souls Abroad and Other Tales and A Wife for the Clan.

Release date:2005


Regular Price: UGX 10,000

Rebel without a Gun

By:Clive Lewis

Rebel without a Gun is set in an African country caught up in the turmoil of post-colonial Africa, where the cost of opposition to wicked regimes is imprisonment, torture or death. Daniel Lanebi, a clergyman, feels compelled to speak out against the injustices of the harsh regime running his country. Dissenting voices like his risk brutality from the regime. But evil, Lanebi firmly believes, should be confronted. In pursuit of this mission,he becomes increasingly isolated from the people around him because of his 'unreasonable' determination to speak the truth. Everyone is warning him to shut up or face unpleasant consequences. Fighting tribal violence, on one hand, and a coercive regime on the other, he sets himself on a dangerous path that appears to be leading to self-destruction. This young clergyman's story unravels the contradictions, challenges and sacrifi ces that underlie the future of freedom. Clive Lewis is a graduate of Cambridge and Leicester Universities in Britain. He taught English and Literature at Kiira College Butiki and Nabumali High School in Uganda from 1966 to 1973. During this period he met Florence, a Ugandan, to whom he has been married now for over 30 years. They have two grown-up daughters. Clive Lewis is now retired, and enjoys reading, wood-turning, bird-watching, composing music and travel. He regularly visits Uganda.

Release date:2011


Regular Price: UGX 10,000

Recipe For Disaster

By:Lilian Tindyebwa

Release date:1994


Regular Price: UGX 10,000

Shadows of Time

By:Victor Byabamazima

Release date:1999


Regular Price: UGX 10,000

Snake Farmers

By:Y. K Serunkuma

Release date:


Regular Price: UGX 12,000

Sour Honey

By:Mary Abago

Release date:1999


Regular Price: UGX 10,000

Taming the Monster: The story of Kirabo

By:Madinah Nakandha Kisubi

Kirabo Mugona is not a very lucky village. Besides the long dry spell which left a severe famine in its wake, the village has also suffered untold ignorance, illiteracy and other such ills. It is in this ‘habitat’ that Kirabo is born. It is in this environment that he must make it in life – not just him but a host of other young people of his generation. How this can be, despite all the hurdles – is the gist of this progressive book, which nobody who loves positivism can ignore. This story underscores the fact that fighting poverty and getting out of it is an achievable ambition. It also shows that one needs more of common sense than a multitude of theories to challenge the poverty trap. Madinah Nakandha Kisubi was born in Bugiri district, eastern Uganda. She went to Wanyange Girls Secondary School and Tororo Girls School in Uganda, after which she obtained a Teacher Training Certificate in Education and later trained as a social worker and counsellor. In 1984 she undertook a diploma in Design and Dressmaking at Bath in the UK. In 1989 she studied for a BA(Ed) and later an MA in Education Management at Pacific Western University in the USA. She has taught in several schools in Uganda and served as a counselor and leader in her community. Madinah has set herself the mission to see children excel in every aspect of socio-economic and political development. Her first novel is ‘I Will Not Fail’. Size: A5 Extent: 90pgs

Release date:2014


Regular Price: UGX 8,000

The Alien Woman

By:Laury L. Ocen

Release date:1999


Regular Price: UGX 12,000

The Corrupt the Quick and the Dead

By:E.Tumusiime Rushege

The Corrupt the Quick and the Dead Poisoned at a bar on the orders of his wife, and admitted to hospital in critical condition, city tycoon Festo Sempa will not die alone, his condition notwithstanding. Desperate to have a baby boy, Sempa has bedded a string of girls- from barmaids, town whores, his secretaries, to new office recruits. Acting friendly when life was normal, all turn into something else in that single night he's poisoned. Each with interests to protect, and unrestrained, the women go at each other. The men employed in his businesses are not left behind either; they dash for his women, his wealth or both. The police have a dangerous maze to unravel; Sempa has a life to save and business empire to sustain. You are corrupt, quick or dead-and the winner will have the last laugh. Set in Kampala and the DRC, Mombasa and Seychelles and told with impeccable humour, this story makes a breathtaking narrative. With the characters' lives on the line most of the time, it is strewn with theft, sex, corruption, murder and lies. Endeared to Ugandans by his Sunday Vision column as the Old Fox, where he told the most exciting of his innumerable and unforgettable escapades. Tumusiime Rushedge (1941-2008) was not just a jack of all trades, but also a master of all. Perhaps one of the most talented Ugandans of our time, Tumusiime was a surgeon, pilot, writer, pianist, cartoonist and humourist. Coming to the scene in the 1970s with the Ekanya cartoons, he lived a life from which many Ugandans derived ribald entertainment. ISBN 978-9970-25-129-2

Release date:2012


Regular Price: UGX 20,000

The First Daughter

By:Goretti Kyomuhendo

Release date:1997


Regular Price: UGX 10,000

The Kind Gang

By:Bob Kisiki

Release date:2003


Regular Price: UGX 8,000

The Official Wife

By:Mary Karooro Okurut

This is a dissection of modern day polygamy in a Christian sett ing. It is a cheeky and wicked peep into the polygamist's bedroom and an insight into the mind of his troubled wife. -œThe offi cial wife leaves no reader neutral as it provokes intense emotions towards some and against other characters. A master piece from one of Uganda's outstanding writers- - J.P. Mwesigwa

Release date:2003


Regular Price: UGX 12,000

The Trouble Causer

By:Solomon Kabushenga

The events in this book play themselves out among the ridges of south-western Uganda. The setting is one in which the destinies of cattle are intertwined with those of men and clans, and where the supernatural holds immense sway over human decisions and actions. The animosities, fears, uncertainties and hot-headedness on one hand, as well as the harmony, rationality and amity on the other, that mark relations between the rival Bajura and Bagirakwe clans, epitomise a reality that is still very much in evidence today. In this tale of migrations and countermigrations, Mr Kabushenga dissects pre-colonial society with a clinical thoroughness, and works in enough suspense to set the reader wringing his hands with apprehensive eagerness. He tells of skin-wrapped men with multiple wives, of impure girls hurled to their death into waterfalls, of spears and shields and bows and arrows, and of arcane rituals, yet he leaves us feeling the tale is of now, not of some mysterious past when our foreparents walked the earth. About the Author Solomon Kabushenga was born in 1945 in hilly Nyamiringa, south-western Uganda. He went to Kigezi College Butobere for his secondary education, and later joined the National Teachers College, Kyambogo, where he studied Biology, Geography and Music; after which he embarked on a teaching career. He fled into exile in Kenya during Amin’s regime where he took up the teaching of Literature. He has since retired, and now focuses on his small-scale farm and modest taxi business

Release date:2007


Regular Price: UGX 10,000

Uganda: The Cultural Landscape

By:Eckhard Breitinger

Non-Fiction Scholars and cultural workers, mainly from Uganda, have joined to put together this collection of essays to draw a comprehensive picture of the Ugandan cultural landscape in its cultural diversity and its historical development from the colonial period to the middle nineties. The essays deal with the oral literary traditions, with modern writers and cultural philosophers like Okot p'Bitek and Robert Serumaga, with, fi ne art, prose and poetry, and the wealth of theatrical production, both of art theatre and popular forms or Theatre for Development.

Release date:2000


Regular Price: UGX 10,000